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Private One-on-One Sessions




Duo Sessions

$60/hr(+HST) (per person)

Additional Services



MAT (Muscle Activation Technique – Jumpstart) 


A systematic approach to evaluating and correcting muscular imbalances that contribute to injury, impede recovery and compromised performance. The technique looks at muscle tightness as being secondary to muscle weakness. If a muscle is weak/inhibited, the body recognizes the joint it surrounds as being unstable. As a result, the other muscles will tighten to protect the joint and restrict range of motion at the joint. Limited range of motion becomes an indicator of “muscle weakness”. These protective mechanisms may lead to pain or discomfort. Strengthening muscles weakness can alleviate pain and discomfort and promote a healthy recovery.



Fitness Assessment


Each client will have the option of starting their exercise program with a fitness assessment. The fitness assessment involves the following areas:



• Goal setting

• A detailed recording of health and fitness history

• Heart rate

• Blood pressure

• Weight

• Body circumference measurements

• Body fat testing – bio-impedance hand grip test

• Flexibility

• Muscles strength and endurance



These tests will give the client a starting point to work with and will be used for future comparison and motivation. Once the initial session has been completed, the clients will be given guidance on which fitness program will help them achieve their fitness and health goals.

Virtual Training


In today’s fast moving world, technology is playing a larger role with email, instant messaging and high speed internet connections. 



We have upgraded ourselves as well here in my studio. I can connect to my clients while they are on vacation using their own iPads (with camera), iPhones, MacBooks and even the cute iPod Touch (with camera) using Apple’s FaceTime sharing software. Using this technology, and a good high speed wireless connection, we can communication both video and sound easily.



This allows me to help my clients maintain their programs and keep them motivated when they travel. Although this is a new resource for us here at Loga Performance, we invite you to try a test session first to get a feel for it. We have long-term clients in other provinces using it and we are able to maintain fitness levels as if we were there in person.



This is most useful when travelling executives using a mac laptop or iphone to maintain their established routines. Vacations to countries where the hotels offer free WiFi. Family exercise time using an iPad (larger screen for shared use).


Zoom Meeting Room:


FaceTime for Mac OSX:



FaceTime for iPhone 4 or higher:



FaceTime for iPad 2 or higher:

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